Friday, August 3, 2012


Beers of the Day Europe has now been moved to a new site and better looking site!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Buxton Axe Edge: The British Isles

Buxton Axe Edge beer label
Buxton Castle on the hillside Buxton Brewery is a brewery located in Buxton in the Derbyshire Peak District. The Brewery specializes in brewing great craft beers and has been featured on Rate Beers top beers from the British Isles 2012.  Buxton Brewery brews many different craft beers from Imperial Stouts to Indian Pale Ales with the range of alcohol content from 3.6% to 9.5%.  You can read a full article on how Buxton Brewery brews their beers by visiting their site here.  Buxton Axe Edge is a Double Indian Pale Ale and contains 6.8% alcohol.  Buxton Brewery uses Amarillo, Citra, and Nelson Sauvin hops in Buxton Axe Edge.  The Axe Edge beer is Buxton Breweries number one selling beer and has won many awards.  With the pour of this Double IPA there is practically no head.  The bubbles that are hanging out on top are cloud color white and the tone of the actual beer is a dark, orange, cloudy brown with a tad bit of lacing.  The smell of Buxton Axe Edge is of the tropics with passion fruit, mandarin, pineapple, grapefruit, and guava berries racing around in the air.  When you take a bigger sniff of Buxton Axe Edge you can actually smell some hops with the slight hint of pine.
Buxton Axe Edge beer and glass
Buxton Axe Edge bottles of beer Buxton Axe Edge tastes how it smells, with smooth tropical fruitiness in the beginning followed by the hoppy kick near the end with a dry finish.  The body of the beer is pretty medium as well as the carbonation.  Drinking this Indian Pale Ale you do get a great warming sensation all around.  Axe Edge is great beer to enjoy in the winter time when you need to take a vacation to the tropics in your mouth or even in the summertime when you want to get the feeling right.  Grab yourself a Buxton Axe Edge and enjoy the sweet taste of the United Kingdom.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Schneider Aventinus: Kelheim, Germany

So I am sure everybody knows that Germany is home to sausage, sauerkraut, and most important Beer.  In that being the case I decided to look up the number one beer in Germany using Rate Beer and Schneider Aventinus came up on top for 2012.  Schneider is brewed by Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider and Sohn (or WGSS brewing company) a company that is based out of Kelheim, Germany.  The WGSS brewing company was founded in 1872 by Georg Schneider I and his son of the same name.  After they founded the company they then bought the Weisses Brauhaus in Munich, which is the oldest wheat beer brewery in the city.  They had two breweries in Kelheim and Straubing prior to World War II.  Due to bombing in the city, destroying all the breweries, they had to relocate all of their beer brewing to Kelheim, Germany.  All of the products sold from WGSS brewing company are top-fermented wheat beers with Aventinus and Original being the only ones bottled conditioned. Aventinus is classified as a Weizen Bock with a 12%ABV.
The beer poured is a mahogany colored, semi-hazy beer, and has a crucial big head that hangs out for a very good while.  You can smell dark, rich fruits, cloves, and the top-fermented yeast that WGSS Brewing uses.  Aventinus is a very big powerful beer and the alcohol is most definitely present.  You can taste the sweet fruit flavors like raisins, plums, cherrys, caramel and also spicyness with the lingering alcohol feeling in the back of your mouth.  This beer is pretty carbonated and has a full, creamy body of goodness with the finish being alcohol, molasses and caramel.   This beer is very complex, strong, and shows off the German Weizen Bock style down to every ingredient that goes into The Schneider Aventinus.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cerná Hora: Czech Republic

Montenegro, Czech
Cerná Hora beer labelWe are traveling over to the beer capital of the world today to take a look at one of the oldest beers brewed over in the Czech Republic, the Černá Hora which in Czech means "Black Mountain". Montenegro Brewery is a brewing company based in the town of Montenegro.  The company dates back to the first written documents for the company on july 16th 1298! The final joint ownership documents were agreed in 1530 by Černohorský of Boskovic and Jaroslav Cernohorsky of Boskovic.  This brewery has over 700 years of history, culture, and recipe that the Montenegro Brewery puts into every beer they brew.  With the old technology mixed with the new, Montenegro produces drafts, lagers, special drafts, and even sodas.  The Černá Hora is classified as a Euro Strong Lager and packs a 700 year old 6.3% ABV punch.  Pouring the brass colored beer into a mug produces a medium sized fluffy head that diminishes relatively quickly.  You can smell the massive pack of sweet malts throughout your nose with spicy, herbal hops, dancing around all over the place.
Cerná Hora beer bottle
Cerná Hora old school beers Černá Hora has a light bitter taste to it, but is very well balanced with the sweetness of the malt.  Perfect combination with a medium body, is a good way to describe Černá Hora with a light sweet malty finish.  I love finding beers like Černá Hora that have so many years of history behind the brewery and the brewing process.  Pretty sure this is the oldest beer I have found so far and I cant wait to find an older Beer.  I highly suggest grabbing a Černá Hora if you visit Montenegro, not only for the superb taste, but also just because we were all around negative 658 years old when Černohorský of Boskovic and Jaroslav Cernohorsky of Boskovic decided to start the brewing process. Cheers!

The Map it Button to Montenegro Brewery

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Black Islay Scotch Aged Beer

Black Islay is a special kind of beer I found and may be the worlds first of its kind.  Black Islay is a 100% organic beer that is aged in 100% organic Scottish whisky casks.  Black Isle Brewery Co located in Scotland and is responsible for this amazingly different type of brew.
Black Islay beer bottle and glassThe color of Black Islay is, well you guessed it pitch black with the liquid beeing clear with no signs of yeast in the bottle. The head is pretty thick with a light pale brown head that slowly diminishes. As you smell this black beauty you get the aroma of coffee, vanilla, dried fruits, and hints of the scotch from the aging process.  The taste is where Black Islay steals your heart with sweet dark chocolate and coffee flavors in the beginning and slowly moving into the fruit and whiskey kick at the end.  The finish and aftertaste is pretty dry with a strong whiskey taste lingering on the tip of your palette.
Black Islay up close beer Label shot
The Black Islay is 8.1% ABV and is a great beer to pair up with a big whisky.  Black Isle Brewery recommends Bruichladdich Octomore, which is a Scottish Islay whiskey.  Black Islay beer is very unique in a way that it is 100% organic, 100% whisky aged, and the beer is made in small batches with each bottle individually numbered.  It doesn't matter if you are into light beers, Stouts, IPA's, or dark beers, I feel like everyone should grab a Black Islay and give their taste buds something to remember.
Black Islay Beer Bottle

The Map it Button to Black Isle Brewery

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tripel Karmeliet from Brussels, Belgiums

Tripel Karmeliet glass with red backgroundVissinghe Pub, Bruges, BelgiumThe beer I chose today is very unique in a way that it has a history dating all the way back to 1679.  In 1679 there was a conquest to take over the city of Dendermonde, Belgium.
Tripel Karmeliet beer glass and bottle with huge headTripel Karmeliet beer glass with nice head The Karmeliet Monastery left only a single brewing recipe consisting of wheat, barley, and oats.  The only people who knew the true recipe at the time was St. Peter and St. Paul.  Following the destruction of the Karmeliet Monastery, the beer recipe enjoys the tradition shared by many breweries around the area.  This type of beer is called Tripel, which is a term used in low countries.  The word indicates strength or a strong pale ale.  When you pour this beer the color is pale golden, yellow, and has a humongous white head with chunks of fluffy lace sticking to the glass. You can refer to the pictures for reference on the head.  The smell of this Belgium Tripel is of sweet malts, yeast, bananas, clove, and bubblegum. When you start to taste this beer the smell begins to really come alive.  The beer is very sweet with banana floral wrapper, heavy yeast, and bubblegum which, you never would of thought plays a big taste roll in this beer.  The beer is light and crisp with a high carbonation while representing a true Tripel style Beer.  This 8.4 ABV% Tripel is brewed by Brouwerij Bosteels. This beer is very interesting and is still amazing people 333 years later. Think about it, if the city of Dendermonde never got their hands on the final recipe before the city fell, this beer could have been lost in history. Cheers!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sadler's Hop Bomb Pale Ale

Sadlers Hop Bomb labelToday we take a trip to the British Isles to the Windsor Castle Brewery in the UK to take a look at Sadler's Hop Bomb. Sadler's Brewery is a micro-brewery that has been brewing signature beers since 1900. Sadlers Hop Bomb IPA bottle and glass They have Tons of different beers to choose, from IPA's to Imperial Stouts. Sadler's Hop Bomb is one of their American style Pale Ales. The Pale ale has a light amber golden body and has a nice white head that almost doesn't die down. This beer explodes with Amarillo and Citra hops (hints the name hop bomb), but is not too bitter. Bridge in the United Kingdom Hop Bomb despite its, name has a great balance of taste but the hops do stand out the most. You can taste mango, caramel and lemon drops throughout the Hop Bomb with a slight orange bitterness at the end. This 5% ABV American Pale Ale does have a hop count higher on the scale then say your normal UK beers and is great for anyone who loves a big hoppy beer. Head down to Sadler's brewery next time you take a cruise to the UK and try a wide variety of their hand-crafted beers.

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